dcos-vagrant CLI

The dcos-vagrant CLI allows you to create open source DC/OS clusters on Vagrant nodes.



A minimum of 2 GB of free memory is required per DC/OS node.


Vagrant must be installed. This has been tested with Vagrant 2.1.1.


VirtualBox must be installed. This has been tested with VirtualBox 5.1.18.


vagrant-vbguest must be installed.

Installing the CLI

The CLI can be installed with Homebrew on macOS or Linuxbrew on Linux. The library and CLI can be installed together with pip on any Linux and macOS.

CLI on macOS With Homebrew

To install the CLI on macOS, install Homebrew.

Then install the latest stable version:

brew install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dcos/dcos-e2e/master/dcose2e.rb

To upgrade from an older version, run the following command:

brew upgrade https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dcos/dcos-e2e/master/dcose2e.rb

Or the latest master:

Homebrew installs the dependencies for the latest released version and so installing master may not work.

brew install --HEAD https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dcos/dcos-e2e/master/dcose2e.rb

Run dcos-docker doctor to make sure that your system is ready to go for the dcos-docker CLI:

$ dcos-docker doctor

CLI on Linux With Linuxbrew

One way to install the CLI on Linux is with Linuxbrew. Install Linuxbrew, then install the latest stable version:

brew install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dcos/dcos-e2e/master/dcose2e.rb

To upgrade from an older version, run the following command:

brew upgrade https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dcos/dcos-e2e/master/dcose2e.rb

Or the latest master:

Homebrew installs the dependencies for the latest released version and so installing master may not work.

brew install --HEAD https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dcos/dcos-e2e/master/dcose2e.rb

Run dcos-docker doctor to make sure that your system is ready to go for the dcos-docker CLI:

$ dcos-docker doctor

Library and CLI with Python

If the CLI has been installed with Homebrew, you do not need to install the library to use the CLI.

Requires Python 3.5.2+. To avoid interfering with your system’s Python, we recommend using a virtualenv.

Check the Python version:

python3 --version

On Fedora, install Python development requirements:

sudo dnf install -y git python3-devel

On Ubuntu, install Python development requirements:

apt install -y gcc python3-dev

Optionally replace master with a particular version of DC/OS E2E. The latest release is 2018.07.03.8. See available versions.

If you are not in a virtualenv, you may have to use sudo before the following command, or --user after install.

pip3 install --upgrade git+https://github.com/dcos/dcos-e2e.git@master

Run dcos-docker doctor to make sure that your system is ready to go for the Docker backend:

$ dcos-docker doctor

CLI Reference


Manage DC/OS clusters on Vagrant.

dcos-vagrant [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...



Show the version and exit.

-v, --verbose



Create an OSS DC/OS cluster.

dcos-vagrant create

Create an OSS DC/OS cluster.

dcos-vagrant create [OPTIONS] ARTIFACT


--masters <masters>

The number of master nodes. [default: 1]

--agents <agents>

The number of agent nodes. [default: 1]

--extra-config <extra_config>

The path to a file including DC/OS configuration YAML. The contents of this file will be added to add to a default configuration.

--public-agents <public_agents>

The number of public agent nodes. [default: 1]

--workspace-dir <workspace_dir>

Creating a cluster can use approximately 2 GB of temporary storage. Set this option to use a custom “workspace” for this temporary storage. See https://docs.python.org/3/library/tempfile.html#tempfile.gettempdir for details on the temporary directory location if this option is not set.



Required argument