Installing DC/OS E2E

Requires Python 3.6+. To avoid interfering with your system’s Python, we recommend using a virtualenv.

Check the Python version:

python3 --version

On Fedora, install Python development requirements:

dnf install -y git python3-devel

On Ubuntu, install Python development requirements:

apt update -y && \
apt install -y software-properties-common && \
apt upgrade -y python-apt && \
add-apt-repository -y ppa:deadsnakes/ppa && \
apt update -y && \
apt upgrade -y gcc python3-dev python3.6-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev git python3-pip

Install dependencies, preferably in a virtual environment. If you are not in a virtualenv, you may have to use sudo before the following command, or --user after install.

 pip3 install --upgrade git+|github-owner|/|github-repository|.git@|release|


To uninstall DC/OS E2E, run the following command:

pip3 uninstall -y dcos-e2e