Versioning, Support and API Stability

DC/OS E2E aims to work with DC/OS OSS and DC/OS Enterprise master branches. These are moving targets. For this reason, CalVer is used as a date at which the repository is last known to have worked with DC/OS OSS and DC/OS Enterprise is the main versioning use.

As well as master, DC/OS E2E supports the following versions of DC/OS:

Other versions may work but are not tested.

See GitHub for releases.

There is no guarantee of API stability at this point. All backwards incompatible changes will be documented in the Changelog.

DC/OS 1.9 and below

Installers for DC/OS 1.9 and below require a version of sed that is not compatible with the BSD sed that ships with macOS. minidcos docker doctor includes a check for compatible sed versions.

To use these versions of DC/OS with macOS and install_dcos_from_path with a local installer path, we can either modify the installer or modify the local version of sed.

Modify the installer

The following command replaces an installer named with a slightly different installer that works with the default sed on macOS.

sed \
    -e 'H;1h;$!d;x' \
    -e "s/sed '0,/sed '1,/" \ >

Change the local version of sed

It is possible to use unmodified installers if we use GNU sed as the system’s default sed. This may have unforeseen side-effects. This requires Homebrew to be installed.

brew install gnu-sed --with-default-names